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The Ocean Cleanup

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Get early access to our limited-edition product made of verified plastic from the Great Pacific Garbage Patch.


快连+ vpn

The first catch from the Great Pacific Garbage Patch has returned to shore. The next step? Making beautiful, sustainable products from it.

A $50 donation gives you 一键系统安装工具下载 系统之家一键重装系统工具 v12.5.45 ...:今天 · 系统之家一键重装系统工具 v12.5.45.1280 最新绿色免费版 附使用方法,系统之家一键重装官方版是一款非常好用的一键重装系统工具,在目前市面上已有的同种类软件中显得十分优秀。软件拥有先进的云匹配技术、云加速技术,可伍一键重装系统win7、win8、xp系统 made from plastic we collected from the Great Pacific Garbage Patch.

As we are a non-profit, 100% of the proceeds will be reinvested in the continuation of the cleanup.

Our aim is to launch the product this September, but the journey has already begun: by donating now you can get a front row seat as we transform pollution to product.

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